Popular U.S. News Sites by State: Who’s Reading What and Where

April 26, 2012 coms 0

A new graphic compiled by Hilary Mason and Anna Smith of Bit.ly and Forbes Magazine’s Jon Bruner shows the popularity of different online news sites across the United States. The team looked for unusually popular linked articles and compiled click-through information to create a color-coded map of the United States that shows the online news reporting preference of each state.

29 Famous People You Never Knew Had Communication Degrees

April 24, 2012 coms 1

You may be surprised to find that many famous people in the entertainment, sports and political fields have more in common than a photogenic smile and a career spent in the public eye. Many of the people who manage to turn their time in the spotlight into successful careers have degrees in communication.

When Is Sex On the Mind?

April 23, 2012 coms 0

It’s been said that every seven seconds men think about sex, but what time of day do they think about it most, are they the only ones thinking about it, and what causes them to think about it? Oh, and as for love, why do we so often get the two confused?

Can Twitter Accurately Show Public Moods?

April 19, 2012 coms 0

A study from the University of Bristol’s Intelligent Systems Laboratory indicates that posts from Twitter users can serve as an accurate indicator of overall public opinion. Researchers monitored keywords in random tweets from July of 2009 to January of 2012, tracking 140-character messages from nearly 10 million users to monitor public moods in the UK.

Viral TNT Ad Is Hilarious and Insightful [Video]

April 17, 2012 coms 0

Ever wonder how television drama actually compares to real life? Now you can find out. TNT, whose slogan reads, “Your Daily Dose of Drama,” gives us a taste of what it takes to make highly entertaining television through their new ad/viral video.

Humans and Chimps Follow the Crowd [Study]

April 16, 2012 coms 0

A new study suggests that chimpanzees and human toddlers are inclined to follow majority rule. The study showed that chimpanzees and 2-year old toddlers were both more likely to repeat a peer group’s actions than a single peer’s actions.