Every person needs to communicate with other people, but the barriers and subtleties of our interpersonal communications often go undetected. In this section of our blog, we look at the latest interpersonal communication studies and critical theories to develop a better understanding of how people communicate face-to-face and through new technologies like social networking websites and text messaging systems. We will also take a look at small group interactions to learn how our interpersonal skills change and adapt to different situations. By understanding our interpersonal skills, our group communicative skills and how these skills can develop in response to new technologies, we can look for ways to positively treat interpersonal disorders and how to change our interactions with other individuals.

The History of Dating and Communication
In the internet-connected world of the 21st century, the courtship rituals of yore have been largely replaced by online dating, social networking, and “hooking up.” Lovers have always relied upon the latest advances in communications technology to facilitate their budding relationships. The perfumed, handwritten letter delivered by personal courier was replaced by the more efficient postal service.