Globalization and Communication – Anthony Giddens

“Every time we turn on a computer we are participating in globalization,” says Anthony Giddens. With the rise of technology, we have become the first global age, and communication is making all this possible.

Anthony Giddens is the Director of the London School of Economics and one of the world’s leading sociologists. He was an advisor to Tony Blair and has authored over thirty books, including, Beyond Left and Right and The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy.

Giddens says that our age is far more intense than the past and that we are pioneers in a new world…a global world. Globalization affects society on all levels. It changes governments, it changes the idea of families and it forces us to change who we are as individuals.

This new intercultural dimension brings about benefits and consequences that must be examined. In this lecture, Giddens analyzes globalization that will both enhance and change your thoughts on the topic.

Location: USC Annenberg
Speaker: Anthony Giddens

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