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Breaking Rules of Social Behavior Makes You Appear Powerful

May 31, 2011 coms 0

A study published in the current Social Psychological and Personality Science, reveals interesting insights into how breaking rules of social behavior influences perceived power. The study found that those who smiled less, talked louder, and interrupted others were perceived to be more powerful.

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Almost Half of Facebook Users Have Profanity on Their Wall

May 26, 2011 coms 0

As employers increasingly look at Facebook profiles of potential candidates, the use of profanity on their walls plays an important role in the perception of these potential employees. A recent study by social media monitoring service, Reppler, scanned the Facebook walls over 30,000 users and found some surprising statistics.

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Learn Organizational Behavior With a Mac App

May 25, 2011 coms 0

If you are looking to study organizational behavior, there may be an easy way to do it. This app — available from the Mac’s App Store — provides an in-depth professional-level course which covers human relations theory.

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Visual Rhetoric: Graphic Design and Social Science Students Team Up

May 24, 2011 coms 0

For years now, the London School of Economics (LSE) has been partnering up their graphic design students with social science students at the London College of Communication (LCC) to create visual rhetoric, like infographics, which better communicate their data and research more effectively to the public.