Women are silenced and sexualized in film
A new study by the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California (USC) found that when it comes to movies, women are seen rather than heard.
A new study by the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California (USC) found that when it comes to movies, women are seen rather than heard.
A new study found that attractive women are less likely to be hired if their new employer is female. The research found that when applications contained a picture of an attractive female these women received only 25% of the responses that an application containing a plain picture or no picture acquired.
A new study presented at the Royal Economic Society’s 2011 annual conference says the gender pay gap could be a result of boys being more competitive than girls. The study found that girls often choose not to compete, even if they are confident they will win.
We are still struggling to understand why a pay gap still exists between men and women — but research by economics professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Linda Babcock, reveals some of this difference occurs from women simply not asking.
Wilson Electronics, Inc. put together this rather interesting infographic displaying the demographics of cell phone use. According to their data, China has the greatest number of cell phones, 15% of Americans answer their phone during sex, and Americans each use approximately 21 minutes per day.
We tend to think television viewers would spend more time exercising or hanging out with friends if their TV was just turned off — but according to a new study by assistant professor of communication Emily Moyer-Gusé and former grad student Julie Lather of Ohio State University, that may not be the case.
The following data is taken from the Pew Internet Research Center. It details statistics for on teenagers use their cell phones. Through the infographic we find that 75% of teens own cell phones, 33% text more than 100 messages per day, and 11% send more than 200 texts per day. We also find out that girls on average send and receive 80 text messages a day, while boys only send and receive 30. Take a look at the infographic to find more statistics on how teens are using their cell phones.
In the past, Israeli media was used to create unity among its people, but new research according to a Penn State Altoona political scientist says this media is now creating a divide between its people.
New research by Crystal at The Achilles Effect looked at vocabulary used in television commercials for children’s toys. She found that the most commonly used words reinforced gender stereotypes. After analyzing 658 words from 27 commercials for boy’s toys and 432 words from 32 commercials for girl’s toys, Crystal was able to create a word cloud showing the most commonly used words in these TV adverts.
Alexithymia is a relatively new word in the scientific world and is a term that represents an inability to understand, process, and describe emotions. Each of us has some level of alexithymia, but this personality trait is often found with other conditions on the autism spectrum, as well as post-traumatic stress disorders. It has also been shown to be related to eating and panic disorders, as well as substance abuse.
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