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How materialistic advertising messages negatively shape the female body image

April 13, 2011 coms 0

Psychological research has consistently shown that women feel unhappy with their body after looking at images of thin, idealized models, which are typically represented in the media. However, today’s consumer culture and media promote not only the ideal of perfect beauty, but also that of the material affluent lifestyle, both of which are commonly depicted together, and highlight the benefits of beauty and of owning material goods to one’s personal success and fame.

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Films Promote Superwoman Expectation for Women

April 11, 2011 coms 0

Exposure to attractive, aggressive, female leads in films affects how men and women think about who women ought to be in the real world. Women in particular have high standards for other women, and expect them to be both stereotypically feminine and masculine i.e. beautiful and aggressive rather than beautiful and passive.

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Smart Phones Not Replacing Other Media For News Access — At Least Yet

April 2, 2011 coms 0

In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers found that mobile media technologies such as smart phones aren’t taking people away from relying on traditional media sources such as newspapers or television. Instead, mobile media are filling the spaces in people’s daily routine in which other media sources are either unavailable or inconvenient to use.

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Study: Facebook photo sharing reflects focus on female appearance

March 30, 2011 coms 0

In a new study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, University at Buffalo researcher Michael A. Stefanone, PhD, and colleagues found that females who base their self worth on their appearance tend to share more photos online and maintain larger networks on online social networking sites.

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Gender stereotypes could push women away from entrepreneurship

March 23, 2011 coms 0

Vishal Gupta believes the way that entrepreneurship is presented, discussed and taught must change — especially for women. “Where are the role models for women?” asks Gupta, an assistant professor of strategy at Binghamton University. “Pick up any book on entrepreneurship: It’s all about men. Switch on the TV, and when it comes to entrepreneurs, it is Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Where are the women entrepreneurs? They’re not being talked about.”