Has Advertising Lost Its Credibility? [Infographic]
If you believe every claim on every advertisement that you see, you’re in the minority. A new survey shows that consumers distrust advertisements, with only […]
If you believe every claim on every advertisement that you see, you’re in the minority. A new survey shows that consumers distrust advertisements, with only […]
The role of gender in childhood development has been a widely debated topic for decades. Many argue that from the moment children are born we […]
If efforts to save their dwindling companies in the declining industry of journalism, many newspapers that have moved their product online are also looking to […]
A new video from faux news source, The Onion, pokes fun at social media ‘experts’ who charge enormous amounts for questionable results. While the job […]
With the advent of social media and dwindling attention spans, PR professionals and social media managers are challenged to pack a lot of punch into […]
Do you think male politicians have bigger heads than female politicians? If you answered yes, you’d be correct. But not if you were referring to […]
One of the most powerful weapons a politician has is their words. By controlling language they can shape perceptions. Just think of the effect a […]
Sales of printed newspapers have been on the decline over the last decade. In attempts to save their companies and earn more revenue, most newspapers […]
Is Albert Einstein turning in his grave because of the way we interact today? According to this image, the answer is yes. This viral meme […]
In today’s digital world, social media can quickly turn a company upside down if they’re not careful. And last month that’s what one man nearly […]
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