Ancient Greek philosophers seemed to know it all. So it’s no surprise that philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, and Socrates would also speak the language of love fluently. We’ve compiled some of the most suave and debonaire quotes by Greek philosophers that would put even Cassanova to shame. For the first ever comic by CommunicationStudies.com, we’ve even taken the privilege of interpreting their quotes into some dating tips for anyone in need of some relationship advice from the most knowledgeable wise old men ever to have worn a robe. Please post this on Facebook, Twitter, and any other way you like to share. We’ve also included an embed code above that you can copy and paste for your own blog. There are thousands of communication students out there right now reading The Republic when they should be memorizing these quotes to use on a classmate at the local bar. Please help them by sharing this.
great comic great quotes
Hahaha these cracked me up.